Monday, December 15, 2014

Shall we wrap? Wrapping Christmas Gifts with Postal Paper

Love the idea of doing my own thing when it comes to wrapping Christmas gifts or any gift for that matter.  Wrapping with postal paper gives you the opportunity to be creative......

Here are some of the gifts I wrapped this year so far.  All using brown postal paper and decor/ornaments from the 99c store, buttons, ribbons, etc......

I meant to glue a red button on its nose, not sure what I was thinking using white, but cute nonetheless

Used stickers from the 99c store and black ribbon - perfect for a shoe lover

All gifts wrapped for one of my daughters have the letter "A" for Angelina

All gifts wrapped for one of my daughters have the letter "B" for Brooke

printed out "Joy to the World" music sheet, cut out a reindeer and glued a red button on its nose - added some ribbon and rope

found this ribbon and ornament/star from the 99c store

found this ribbon and ornament/star from the 99c store

Ribbon, Doliey, Bow, Rope and ornament - so cute  

Ribbon from the 99c store along with a snowflake ornament - snowflake ornament came in a pack of 6.

For another shoe lover.... 

Ribbon, raffia and a star ornament

"Joy to the world" music sheet, reindeer cutout, red bow and button nose - for a cute little reindeer girl :)

O'Christmas Tree - Raffia, Ribbon and tree cutout with red button tree topper

Raffia, Bow and berries with tag traced on package

Big package - small impression

Bird cutout using "Joy to the World" music sheet, snip of our Christmas tree, some berries and a little red bow

Another "B" for Brooke with red raffia and two ornamental balls