Thursday, March 6, 2014

Dr. Seuss - Wacky Hat Day with a little recycling along the way......

It's Dr. Seuss week at my daughters school and she was so excited to make her own little hat; of course she asked her DIY mommy to help create something cool and unique.

So......we began to think think think!!!

“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!” - Dr. Seuss

Recycle TP Roll and create a mini top hat - she has these cute hair pieces that are little hats with feathers, why not create our own mini Dr. Seuss top hat???

Brooke's Mini Dr. Seuss Top Hat

These were the steps we took.....

We used a paper plate for the top hat to sit.  My husband helped us cut out the red strips (cardstock paper), cause I don't have the steadiest hands when cutting any paper, or anything for that matter.

After, we used Mod Podge to glue the paper around TP roll we let it dry, then glossed the entire top hat with Mod Podge again for a nice glossy look and to ensure all pieces of paper were secure. 

We filled the TP Roll with tissue, so that the hot glue had something to stick on to when gluing down the top and bottom pieces of paper.

After, I took a hair clip and hot glued it to the bottom of the hat. . . Next morning Brooke woke up with the brightest smile ready to show off her mini Dr. Seuss top hat ......


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